Turn Sabotage to Success in Just 7 Easy Steps

Make 2023, the year you turn Sabotage To Success.

I’ve written a book called Turn Sabotage to Success in Just 7 Easy Steps for people just like you, who want to take back control of self-doubt, worry, and anxiety.

I created the book as a quick and easy self-help guide and a ‘go-to’ for dealing with the internal saboteurs that lead to Anxiety, Addictions, and a range of other self-defeating behaviours. 

A host of techniques feature throughout the book with examples of real client stories and how the 7 steps helped them overcome self-sabotage. Including a 15-second technique to lower panic attacks, The Russian Doll Technique.

Discover what your saboteurs are, and learn how to literally ‘crush’ them with the Russian Doll Technique, including access to a host of tools and techniques using the resources page featured in the book. 

Available now from Amazon

Sneak Preview of Chapter One

The Pain of Sabotage

Sabotage can affect us in many ways, such as feeling like a victim, being hypervigilant, being frightened to say no, and having to get everything perfect so we avoid making a mistake. Having to control everything, avoiding certain situations, becoming bored, restless, and wanting to achieve everything as failure is not an option.

All of these above can be triggers for anxiety, like myself, Jason, who you will meet later in the book, and many of my clients who were sabotaging themselves. The good news is that it can be overcome.

They say that bad news comes in threes. They weren’t wrong. I stood for a moment trying to process the words.

“Your Father has just six weeks left to live”

42 days. 1008 hours. I actually Googled it. Time suddenly stands still, and life takes on a new meaning. Just over a thousand hours to live. I kept telling myself, his next birthday would be his last. No more Christmases. I’ll never hear him sing’ Happy Birthday to me again. I felt lost, confused, angry, and sad.

My dad was one of the kindest men you could ever meet. I remember going to a supermarket with him once. He disappeared and, eventually, I saw him talking to a man collecting supermarket trolleys in the car park. They were both laughing.

“Where do you know him from, Dad?” I asked.

“I’ve never met him before in my life,” he said. “He looked a bit fed up, so I thought I’d cheer him up”

That’s the sort of man Dad was.

Oh, I could go on! My dad is my main inspiration. He’s my biggest fan and I am his.

I kept hearing my voice in my head saying, over and over again.

“My daddy is dying. Daddy is dying, and there’s nothing I can do.”

How was I going to cope? How could I still face seeing clients without crying or collapsing into a heap on the floor? All I wanted to do, was to curl up and go to sleep. To escape these thoughts.

Looking back, it is strange how time stands still. I would check in, and ask myself did I really hear that correctly? Dad has only 6 weeks to live? Maybe I was just imagining it. Maybe it’s all a dream, and when I wake up and everything will be fine.

Nope! it’s real!

Grab a copy of my book Turn Sabotage to Success in Just 7 Easy Steps Available now on Amazon and Audible.

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