How to Boost Your Mood With Amazing Gratitude


Expressing gratitude is a way of acknowledging and appreciating the good things in your life. It involves recognizing that there are experiences and factors beyond your personal control that contribute to your happiness and well-being. Being thankful entails taking a moment to reflect on what you have, rather than focusing on what you lack, and cultivating a sense of contentment with what you already possess.

By adopting an attitude of gratitude, you can transform your outlook on life and alter your mindset. When you actively cultivate gratitude, you can shift your perspective and develop a more positive outlook. This can create a ripple effect that enables you to identify new opportunities and possibilities that you might not have otherwise noticed.

I have an overwhelming sense of gratitude towards my clients for placing their unwavering trust and support in me. This has paved the way for me to achieve the Best Business of 2023 award for the fifth year in a row, a feat that would not have been attainable without the remarkable patrons who have shown confidence in my business.

The feedback received from clients is an essential element for any thriving business that endeavors to provide the best possible service and continuously learn from each experience.

I’m continuously looking at ways to improve here at Grimsby Hypnotherapy

Our website has been designed with an interactive interface to enhance user experience. As part of our commitment to assisting you in making an informed decision about hypnotherapy or mind coaching, we are delighted to offer a complimentary 20-minute consultation.

This consultation will enable you to determine whether our services are the right fit for you. To book a chat with one of our knowledgeable team members, kindly pre-book your preferred time.

Book a complimentary 20 minute chat with one of the team.

The site now features online products to help you lower anxiety and feel better with relaxation and hypnosis programs – The programs are ideal for clients and hypnotherapists.

Contained within the book are The Grateful Statements. It is essential to bear in mind that when reciting these statements, you must put forth positive energy to amplify their impact.

Remember to say your words with intention and meaning to experience their full effect.

Find Gratitude with The Grateful Statements

If you say these statements and the statements begin with:


Our minds will process it as fact, for instance if you say:


I am now taking back CONTROL of my life, its UNQUESTIONABLE 

I am that I am now GRATEFUL and I notice areas of my life are getting BETTER AND BETTER

And I am that I am finally DEALING with all my ISSUES

Perhaps, I am that I am FEELING BETTER within myself

And I am that I am now seeing the WORLD, DIFFERENTLY

And you get the idea… so when it becomes a bit samey change them for your own,

So it’s not predictable, it’s not a MANTRA

Also every time you see a mirror, including the reversing one in your car, forget the bathroom one at night.

If I say to my clients if you brush your teeth first thing in the morning and at night you can remember to say these three things

Perhaps, even put a post it note on your mirror to remind you

And these three things are:

I LOVE YOU, it may sound a bit cheesy, but if you cannot love yourself how can anybody else?

AND I FORGIVE YOU, so your forgiving yourself for anything else that you say bad to yourself throughout the day.

AND I THANK YOU, and your actually congratulating yourself on the things you’ve done.

And remove these words from your vocabulary:





And after a while this becomes second nature, make that a new habit.

We are replacing BAD THOUGHTS for GOOD ONES.

Imagine how this is going to make you FEEL!

From now on, anytime you catch yourself saying anything Negative just “FLIP IT” for a Positive.

You may begin to see improvements in your HEALTH and GENERAL WELL BEING.

But don’t take my word for it.

People will begin to Notice this NEW YOU, and that will just reinforce all the changes that have already taken place.

And become even more PROFOUND

Just like a Snowball effect… getting BIGGER AND BIGGER

There is just No WAY of going back to HOW YOU WERE

BREATHE and RELAX and just Embrace this new you.

Always remember, FEAR is a False Emotion that Appears Real


That’s just it, it was just “TRYING” and there’s that word TRYING, TRYING to help you

You can find the Grateful Statements in my new book Turn Sabotage to Success in Just 7 Easy Steps out now.

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